5 Surprising Facts About Video Gamers

So you thought the average gamer was a teenage boy with a predilection for large fake cartoon breasts? Think again, here are some surprising statistics from a recent report issued by the Entertainment Software Association

ESA 2012 report.
ESA 2011 report.

  • The average gamer age is 30, although in the 2011 report this was 37. It’s not specified if a large group of younger gamers has turned up or if gamers die early due to a lack of healthy diet and exercise :p
  • 53% of gamers are male, 47% female.
  • Women 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (30%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%).
  • 62% of gamers play games with others, either in-person or online.
  • The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 35.

Buy the game, pay what you want!

Just saw this linked on IRC.

Crayon Physics Deluxe looks like a really fun game, makes me wish I had a tabletpc to play it on but I think I’ll see how well it works with an attached graphics tablet. The game was a year old on Jan 7th so Petri is celebrating by allowing  people to pay whatever they want for the full game until Jan 15th. Fantastic idea, I hope he does well from his sale. I found out there’s an iPhone App version too, awesome.

Tobias Weyand did a great ds homebrew physics game inspired by the original Crayon Physics called Pocket Physics. Tobias describes it as is a mashup of The Incredible Machine, Crayon Physics and Line Rider, Craig Harris from IGN describes it as “digital crack” 🙂

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